Homewood Public Library - Admin Virtual Room,Computer Training Lab
Stop by with your new devices and get help from our staff in using them to access library resources and everything else you might need. Register online at homewoodpubliclibrary.org.
Homewood Public Library - Admin Virtual Room,Computer Training Lab
Combing Word Parts 1 & 2 this is a fast-paced Word class where we learn to create documents, use basic Word functions, and dive deeper into creating documents. (For Seniors)
Homewood Public Library - Admin Virtual Room,Computer Training Lab
Prerequisite is Intro to Word Part 1, or a good working knowledge of using Word tools. This class dives deeper into creating Word documents and using Word features and tools. (Seniors)
Homewood Public Library - Admin Virtual Room,Computer Training Lab
Learn to create presentations using basic PowerPoint functions. This is a beginner's class and it covers some of the entry level aspects of this program. (Seniors)
Classes are held on Wednesdays from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m., Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., and Spanish Computer Classes on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. (check schedule for availability) Introductory to intermediate levels of training are offered. Class materials include updated and detailed handouts that will be emailed before each class. Please be sure to include a valid email address with your registration.
Classes Available and Course Description
Using Email: Send and receive messages, attach files, and more
Microsoft Excel 2016 - Part I & II: Learn to create spreadsheets and use functions
Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 - Part I & II: Create presentations and templates
Microsoft Word 2016 - Part I & II: Learn to create, format and edit documents
Using Copy and Paste: Learn to transfer text, files, and edit photos
Microsoft Publisher 2016 - Part I & II: Learn to create flyers, brochures, and more - the easy way
(New!) Google Docs - Learn how to create documents and more using Google Docs.
(New!) Google Sheets - Learn how to create spreadsheets and more using Google Sheets.
(New!) Google Slides - Learn how to create presentations and more using Google Slides.
(New!) Google Forms - Learn how to create custom forms for surveys and questionnaires using Google Forms.
(New!) Facebook - Learn how to use the most popular social media site on the planet including how to add friends, upload photos, and more.
Other Training Options Available:
Did you know that the Homewood Public Library also offers online tutorials from Niche Academy for many different aspects of computer and online learning? We offer subjects including: general computer use, Microsoft Office, Social Media, and Zoom. Best of all it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to fit your busy schedule! Click one of the links below for more information.
DigitalLearn.org is a Public Library Association sponsored collection of course materials to be used for those who are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, or are a little unsure and uncomfortable and just need a bit of a refresher. Online couses are five - twenty minutes long and can be taken anytime.
For questions about a class, phone David Owens at 205.332.6632 or fill out the email form below. You can register for a class by clicking the registration button on the class date you are interested in the Computer Class Registration Box above.