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As part of the Homewood Public Library's services, the Library provides meeting room facilities for individuals, organizations, and groups. In keeping with the American Library Association's LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS, Article VI, the meeting facilities are available to the public "on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use." Granting permission to use Library meeting room facilities does not constitute endorsement by the Library of the group or its beliefs.
Meeting room facilities may be used for the following purposes:
Commercial Meetings - A meeting is considered to have a commercial purpose if any charges or fees are required in order to attend the meeting, goods or services are sold at or offered for sale at the meeting, or the meeting promotes a commercial enterprise. Commercial meetings must obtain a City of Homewood business license and comply with all applicable City and State laws.
Non-Commercial Meetings - A meeting will be considered a non-commercial meeting if the parties who are renting or sponsoring the room do not financially profit from the use of the Library’s meeting room facilities.
Club or Group Meetings - Any meeting that occurs at the Library on a regular basis, meeting either weekly or monthly, can be classified as a group or club.
Library meeting room facilities may NOT be used for social events including birthdays, parties, and other celebrations.
The Library must review each application before the booking is approved. Reservations must be made by an individual who is at least eighteen (18) years old. The Library reserves the right to refuse a reservation to any group, organization or individual who has failed to comply with the rules and regulations for use of meeting room space established by the Homewood Public Library Board of Trustees. Inquiries about Library meeting room facilities can be made by calling the Meeting Room Coordinator at (205) 332-6610 or emailing
The Library has two kinds of meeting room facilities - auditoriums and conference rooms. Room rentals are for four (4) hours on Monday-Saturday and (3) hours on Sunday. Fees are charged to cover the costs of utilities, building maintenance, and general wear and tear.
Commercial $200
Non-Commercial $50
Club or Group $50
Conference Rooms
Commercial $40
Non-Commercial $25
Club or Group $25
Auditoriums and meeting rooms will be set up auditorium style for all meetings. Any request for a set-up other than auditorium style must be made at the time the reservation is made. A special set-up can be done by library personnel only and will require payment of an additional fee of $25 for conference rooms and $50 for auditoriums.
The following are exempt from auditorium and meeting room rental fees:
Library-sponsored meetings or programs
Friends of the Library meetings or programs
Homewood Library Foundation meetings or programs
City Department meetings or programs
Municipal meetings and functions
Homewood Board of Education meetings or programs
Employees and trustees of the Homewood Library*
*Employees and trustees may use the Meeting Rooms and/or Auditoriums twice (2) per calendar year at no charge. Employee/trustee must attend the event. Standard meeting room fees will apply to any meetings scheduled after the two (2) free meetings.
All requests for use of any room must be made through the Library by completing the online registration forms at If you need assistance filling out the application, a library staff member will assist you.
Reservations will be booked on a first-come, first-serve basis according to the date the Library receives the Application. There are no same day reservations. No reservation is final until:
The Library receives a signed application and use agreement through the online form at The Application and use agreement must be on file for each calendar year.
The Library reviews each application before the booking is approved.
Individuals, organizations, or groups that wish to reserve a room for a series of meetings over a period of time should fill out only one application, and include a schedule of meeting dates, times, and other requested information. When reserving a room, be sure to include sufficient time before and after the meeting for set-up and clean up.
Meeting rooms may be reserved up to six (6) months in advance for either an individual meeting or a series of meetings. To reserve a meeting for a series of meetings throughout the year, fees for the full six (6) months must be paid in advance.
Invoices will be sent by email after the reservation booking has been approved. Fees for one time meetings should be paid in full ten (10) days from the date of invoicing. If the invoice for room rental fees is not paid within 10 days, all reservations will be canceled. Rescheduling will be based on availability of meeting room space.
Each December and July the Library will invoice groups and clubs that meet regularly and payment is due within 30 days. If the invoice for room rental fees is not paid within 30 days, all reservations will be canceled. Rescheduling will be based on availability of meeting room space.
The Library should be notified immediately if any reserved room will not be used as scheduled. Notice of cancellation must be provided to the Meeting Room Coordinator, personally, either in writing or by telephone. Room rental fees and Reservation Deposits will be refunded or credited as follows:
Reservation Deposit and room rental fees that have been paid in advance will be refunded if cancellation notice is provided to the Meeting Room Coordinator at least one week before the scheduled event. Otherwise, all reservation deposits and room rental fees will be forfeited.
If a refund is issued at the patron’s request, the credit card processing fees will be deducted from the original amount.
For meeting rooms reserved and paid for in advance, if the group will no longer meet at the Library, a refund of unused room rental fees will be issued as soon as the Meeting Room Coordinator receives written notification of the cancellation.
If one-time events in the auditoriums or meeting rooms are canceled by the Library due to inclement weather, power outage, or any other circumstance outside the Library’s control, those events will be rescheduled for another date or a full refund will be provided.
If any regularly scheduled meeting is canceled by the Library due to inclement weather, power outage, or any other circumstance outside the Library’s control, the group will be given an opportunity to reschedule its meeting or a credit will be applied to its next year’s fees.
Commercial, Non-Commercial, and Club or Group meetings may be held in the Library’s meeting room facilities between the following hours on days the Library is open to the public.
The Large Auditorium has access to WiFi, a kitchen facility with a refrigerator, microwave, ice maker, dishwasher, and a sink. The room size is; length 46ft, width 40ft, and the total square footage covers an area of 1840 sq ft. This room requires a setup and breakdown minimum time allotment of one hour between events. The Large Auditorium has a default setup of auditorium style (160 capacity). For an additional $50 the room can be set up banquet style (90 capacity) or classroom style (60 capacity).
The Round Auditorium has access to WiFi. The room size is; length 34ft, width 34ft, and the total square footage covers an area of 1156 sq ft. This room requires a setup and breakdown minimum time allotment of one hour between events. The Round Auditorium has a default setup of auditorium style (60 capacity). For an additional $50 the room can be set up classroom style (36 capacity).
On the Lower Level there are six (6) conference rooms.
Room 101 has WiFi, TV, and a DVD Player. The room size is; length 20ft, width 40ft, and the total square footage covers an area of 800 sq ft. This room requires a setup and breakdown minimum time allotment of one hour between events. Room 101 has a default setup of auditorium style (60 capacity). For an additional $25 the room can be set up banquet style (40 capacity) or classroom style (24 capacity).
Room 110 has Wi-Fi, TV, DVD Player, and serving counter with a sink. The room size is; length 20ft, width 22ft, and the total square footage covers an area of 440 sq ft. This room requires a setup and breakdown minimum time allotment of one hour between events. Room 110 has a default setup of auditorium style (35 capacity). For an additional $25 the room can be set up classroom style (16 capacity).
Room 116 has Wi-Fi, TV, and DVD Player. The room size is; length 20ft, width 24ft, and the total square footage covers an area of 480 sq ft. This room requires a setup and breakdown minimum time allotment of one hour between events. Room 116 has a default setup of auditorium style (35 capacity). For an additional $25 the room can be set up classroom style (16 capacity).
Room 106 has Wi-Fi, TV, and DVD Player and has seating for 8 people around a rectangular conference table. The room size is; length 20ft, width 12ft, and the total square footage covers an area of 240 sq ft.
Room 108 has Wi-Fi, TV, and DVD Player and has seating for 8 people around a rectangular conference table. The room size is; length 20ft, width 12ft, and the total square footage covers an area of 240 sq ft.Room 100 is a small meeting room that has access to WiFi, and has seating for 4 people around a rectangular conference table. The room size is; length 8ft, width 14ft, and the total square footage covers an area of 112 sq ft.
Meeting rooms can be viewed at Individuals, organizations, or groups that reserve a room should make prior arrangements to test AV equipment. It is the responsibility of the person making the reservation to check the audio visual equipment before the requested date to make sure that it is compatible with the library's systems.
Advance notice is required for use of and assistance with the Library audio visual equipment.
The Library Security Guard or a designated staff member will unlock the meeting room door when a representative for the reservation has arrived. Meeting rooms will not be left unlocked.
City Ordinance prohibits smoking in any public facility within the City limits of Homewood.
By order of the City of Homewood Fire Marshal, attendance at meetings is limited to the capacity of the room. Seating and/or supplementary furniture is not allowed in corridors outside rooms.
Fire code prohibits any open flames, including incense or candles.
No animals are allowed in the Library facility except service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines or animals designated for Homewood Public Library events.
When a tornado warning is issued, the Library will follow evacuation procedures outlined in its emergency procedures manual.
Library staff will not accept calls or relay messages to people attending meetings except in emergencies.
Groups may not use the Library as their mailing address nor may they state or imply that the Library sponsors or endorses their meeting.
The Library will give the name and phone number of the person and/or group who made the reservation to anyone inquiring about the meeting.
Children ages 6 and under must remain with a parent, guardian, or caregiver at all times. If the parent, guardian, or caregiver is attending a meeting, the child must be in the meeting room as well. The Library is not responsible for children left unattended in the Library while their parent, guardian, or caregiver is in a meeting at the Library.
Excessive noise or disruptions to the functions of the Library are not permitted. Music and noise must be kept to a reasonable level, and in accordance with the City's noise ordinance.
No fundraisers may be held at the Library except by the Friends of the Homewood Public Library and the Homewood Library Foundation.
Food and Beverages
Alcoholic beverages may NOT be served.
The Large Auditorium kitchen facility available for events include: microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, and ice maker.
No food preparation is allowed in the auditoriums and meeting rooms. However, covered dishes and catered meals are allowed.
The Library does not provide users with coffee, condiments, plates/cups, silverware, napkins, etc.
No food or beverages may be served in the lobby or corridors outside the conference rooms or auditoriums.
Sprinkles may not be used on food in any meeting room facility.
Seating and Furniture
Seating may NOT exceed room capacity.
Additional furniture items used, whether owned by Library or renter(s), must be approved by the Library Director before they are set up in any room.
Furniture and/or equipment from the public or staff areas of the Library may not be brought into any rooms.
Use of any appliance, equipment or extension cord not provided by the Library is prohibited unless approved in advance.
The Library does not provide porter services or storage space. The Library does not accept responsibility for materials that are lost or damaged.
Signage and Decorations
Nothing may be attached or adhered to the walls, furniture, doors, or ceiling tiles.
Tacks, nails, and screws are not allowed.
Signs, posters, etc. may not be taped to walls or doors of any meeting room.
Free standing signage (including posters, banners, etc.) may not be placed outside of any meeting room.
Confetti and/or glitter may not be used in any meeting room facility.
Cleaning and Closing
Individuals, organizations, and groups using the Library are responsible for leaving the facility as they found it with doors locked, lights turned out, and windows closed and locked.
All trash, including trash resulting from the serving of refreshments, must be placed in the receptacles provided.
Abuse of Library property, damage to property, and/or failure to abide by the policies will result in charges for the repair or replacement of damaged property and/or the loss of permission to use the meeting rooms.